Photo Contest

Every year ECU hosts a photo contest for students who studied abroad during the previous academic year.

**Prize Alert! Examples of past prizes included travel accessories, local business gift cards, etc!

If you studied abroad between Fall 2022 and Summer 2023, you are eligible to enter your amazing photos!

Who is eligible:

Any ECU student who participated in a credit bearing education abroad program from fall 2022 through summer 2023. Up to three photo entries can be submitted per student, with one submission per category.

A complete entry includes:

  • A complete Qualtrics application, linked below. Captions should be short descriptions of the photo, maximum 150 characters. One form is required per person, not per photo. Each participant can enter a total of 3 photos.

The following are categories into which the photos should fall:

  • Future-focused: Photo should show opportunities abroad that will impact a student’s future, such as site/industry visits and skill development
  • Undaunted: photo should contain your undaunted experiences
  • Pirate Pride: photo should contain ECU students who are abroad showcasing pirate gear
  • Servire: photo should showcase service abroad such as working in local communities, schools or hospitals

There will be one “Grand Prize” winner of each category. We will also award a “Fan Favorite” winner for whichever photo has the most votes after being displayed in the Main Campus Student Center during International Education Week. In addition to having your photo on display, you will receive a small prize from the Office of Global Affairs.

Photos and entry form are due online by

October 15th, 2023

Fill out the form below and upload your files to enter.


Study Abroad Contest Submission Form