
Hi, I am Emily! I’m a senior here at ECU. I’m going for my bachelors in psychology with a concentration in science. I was born in Greenville, NC, but raised in Washington, NC. My parents originally came from Colombia, South America so I am very proud of my Colombian roots. My dream is to travel the world, one country at a time. This summer I had the privilege to travel and live in Germany where I was able to learn a new culture and language. I’m so excited to share with you more of my personal experiences and answer any questions you might have. Go Pirate Nation!

Where did you study abroad?

Berlin, Germany

What is Your Favorite Memory from Your Time Abroad?

My favorite memory about studying abroad was exploring new places and meeting new people. I also really enjoyed the food!

How Has Studying Abroad Helped Your Personal and Professional Life?

It has helped me become more independent and decisive about my own decision in life.

What Advice Can You Offer to Students Interested in Studying Abroad?

Just go for it. I was in your shoes and I didn’t feel I was capable (money and traveling all on my own was my “set backs”), but it was the best decision I have ever done in my life.

Do You Have Any Plans or Ideas to Travel Abroad Again?

If I have the opportunity to study abroad again, I would like to study abroad in Greece or even Germany (again).

You can email Emily at pulidoarcee21@students.ecu.edu to learn more about her experience in Germany!