International Virtual Exchange Awards & Recognitions
ECU has received numerous accolades for our International Virtual Exchange programming and administration, including:

UISFL Program Grant (2018) — U.S. Department of Education Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language (UISFL) program grant for the Global BEEHIVE program to develop 4 new topic specific International Virtual Exchange courses modeled after the Global Understanding Course.

NAFSA Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award for Campus Internationalization (2016) — This award highlights innovation and creativity in a specific area of internationalization. It is presented to no more than three institutions each year.

North Carolina Association for International Educators Institutional Award (2015) — NCAIE notes that “this award is presented to an institution whose international programming is exemplary and outstanding. The institution’s program should not only be excellent, but also unique.”

Wharton-QS Stars Re-imagine Education Award (2014 – 3rd place for presence learning) — The “Oscars” of innovation in higher education, these awards are given for innovative higher education pedagogies enhancing learning and employability.

AAUA Khaladjan International Award for Innovation in Higher Education (2009) — As indicated on the AAUA website, “This award recognizes innovation and achievement in higher education worldwide, and is given for work that is both innovative and has wide potential for application or impact on the international dimensions of post-secondary education.”

IIE Andrew Heiskell Award for Innovation in International Education (2008 – Honorable Mention) — As indicated on the IIE website, “IIE’s Heiskell Awards showcase the most innovative and successful models for internationalization of campuses, study abroad, and international partnership programs in practice today.”