Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is temporary authorization for practical training directly related to your major field of study. Your major field of study is listed on your I-20.

“Practical training” can include employment, internship experience (paid or unpaid), cooperative (co-op) education experience, practicum participation, etc. CPT is authorized by the Office of Global Affairs in accordance with the F-1 regulations. You can apply for CPT during the regular academic year (you must remain registered).

CPT may be part-time (20 hours per week or less) or full-time (more than 20 hours per week). If you accumulate 12 months (365 or more days) of full-time CPT authorization, you lose your eligibility for Optional Practical Training (OPT), another type of employment authorization for F-1 students. Part-time CPT and fewer than 12 months of full-time CPT authorization does not affect your OPT eligibility.

You may be eligible for CPT if you:

  • Are currently in valid F-1 status.
  • Have been enrolled at a college or university in the U.S. on a full-time basis for at least one full academic year.  Will earn your degree from ECU. CPT cannot be authorized based on a minor or certificate program.

Credit Requirement

You may request authorization for CPT to participate in training that is integral to your established curriculum. Training may be required or optional for your degree. Required training must be clearly identified and described in the course catalog or similar publication.

If the training is not required by your major degree program, the Office of Global Affairs expects you to register for and earn academic credit in your department for your training experience. This could be an internship, cooperative education program, practicum, or similar course through your academic department. A new CPT I-20 with required employer information would be issued, as well.

CPT Application Procedures

  • A copy of the CPT offer obtained from the academic advisor. The letter must contain the following information:
  • The student’s name.
  • The employer’s name.
  • Course number and if that work will be UNPAID or PAID.
  • The beginning and end dates of the employment.
  • The letter must be on the ECU letterhead.

A copy of the job offer letter obtained from the employer. The job offer letter must contain the following information:

  • The student’s name.
  • The employer’s name.
  • A statement of the job offer.
  • The number of hours to be worked [or full or part-time specified] and the work will be UNPAID or PAID.
  • The beginning and end dates of the employment.
  • The letter must be on the employer’s letterhead.