
Hi! My name is Reagan Blackburn, she/her, and I am a senior in the Honors College studying public relations and theatre arts from Wilmington, NC.

Where did you study abroad?

United Kingdom (Northern Ireland, Scotland, and England) and Ireland

What is Your Favorite Memory from Your Time Abroad?

While the entire trip was full of impactful memories that I will cherish forever, my favorite memory from study abroad was getting to sign the Peace Wall in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Getting the opportunity to sign my name as a marker of the continued efforts for peace in our world was a moment I will never forget.

How Has Studying Abroad Helped Your Personal and Professional Life?

After studying abroad, I now realize that I am stronger and more capable than I thought before. While it may sound cheesy, having confidence and believing in yourself can go a long way in terms of setting yourself up for a successful future, both personally and professionally. Additionally, studying abroad has also opened my eyes more to the other cultures around me, even the ones here in Greenville. The ability to share that with other people is one of the greatest gifts of life.

What Advice Can You Offer to Students Interested in Studying Abroad?

Research, research, research! Between the resources ECU provides, testimonials from fellow students, or even blogs from the internet, the world is your oyster when it comes to being prepared by researching for study abroad. Study abroad has the potential to significantly impact your life, so treat the preparation and pre-departure stuff with care. Everyone at ECU is here to help and wants you to succeed, so never hesitate to ask for help or advice!

Do You Have Any Plans or Ideas to Travel Abroad Again?

Absolutely! While I would love to go pretty much anywhere in the world, I hope to visit the Czech Republic or Poland as that is where the other half of my family originates. Getting to visit the places where my ancestors are from is something that is very precious to me and I hope I am able to fulfill it.

You can email Reagan at to learn more about her experience!