Global Courses

The Office of Global Academic Initiatives works with faculty to develop or re-design discipline specific courses to be taught in collaboration with other institutions around the world. In these courses, at least 50% of class time is conducted in collaboration with one or more partner institutions. The partnering faculty work together to design course objectives and content while staff in Global Academic Initiatives consult on best practices in course design for a collaborative on-line environment, identify and manage appropriate collaborative tools, and provide facilities and technology support for all interactions.

  • Faculty work with colleagues at partner institutions to design and co-teach the course.
  • Students are assessed and get credit from their home institution.
  • Global Academic Initiatives will help to identify appropriate partners from our partnership network or work with faculty’s already existing relationships.
  • Global courses previously offered include Global Climate Change, Global Leadership, Global Tourism, Global Heavy Metal Music, and Global Service Learning.

Things to Consider

For more information, contact Jami Leibowitz (