Samantha – France

March 7, 2025

Hello! My name is Samantha Browne, I’m a marketing major with a minor in psychology! I am going to France this spring break with the college of business. This is my first time studying abroad and I’m so excited for this opportunity. I think what i’m most excited for is to see the restored Notre Dame!

Something I hope to gain from this study abroad is an understanding of France’s different management’s strategies, marketing, and to learn how to be professional in a different culture. Using the cultural dimension that I learned in my study abroad allows me to understand French culture. I think what I’m most nervous about is asking good questions and not being afraid to ask for more information.

I can’t wait to see Paris when it starts to get dark and they turn on all the lights around the Eiffel Tower. This is my first time flying solo and while I am nervous about it, I’m also excited for this new experience! This is going to be a great opportunity for growth in so many ways.