
Hello! My name is Katelyn Haley and I am a Finance and Economics double-major in my junior year here at ECU! I am from Pittsboro, North Carolina, and I am passionate about travel, music, learning, and reading.

Where did you study abroad?

Seoul, South Korea

What is Your Favorite Memory from Your Time Abroad?

My favorite memory from my time abroad was from my first week there, when I visited a fishing café in Seoul with a group of friends that I made. I invited them to come along, not knowing entirely what we had signed up for. The fishing café ended up being a little less café, and a lot more fishing than we expected which was hilarious to us. My friends had never been fishing before and it was one of the funniest things, watching them catch fish and trying to get them in the net. This memory will stick with me for the rest of my life and was the beginning of some great connections with people I’ll have for the rest of my life as well.

How Has Studying Abroad Helped Your Personal and Professional Life?

Studying abroad has allowed me to be pushed outside my comfort zone by adapting to the new culture and the new environment. This experience has also made me more independent and open-minded as my global perspective has expanded.

What Advice Can You Offer to Students Interested in Studying Abroad?

Absolutely do it! It will be one of the most incredible experiences of your life, that will also help you grow so much personally and professionally!

Do You Have Any Plans or Ideas to Travel Abroad Again?

Yes! I would love to visit South America or Europe next!

You can email Katelyn at haleyk22@students.ecu.edu to learn more about her experience!