
Hi! My name is Leise and I am a third-year nursing major. I am from Raleigh, NC and split time between there and Greenville!

Where did you study abroad?

ECU Tuscany Sprig 2024

What is Your Favorite Memory from Your Time Abroad?

My favorite memory from studying abroad was laying on the beach in Cinque Terra or going up the Eiffel Tower. A close second/third would be hiking Mt. Etna in Sicily- an active volcano!

How Has Studying Abroad Helped Your Personal and Professional Life?

Personally, I developed a greater sense of self and confidence. Traveling to Switzerland and London alone allowed me to learn how to navigate the world with limited resources and how to creatively problem-solve. Professionally, studying abroad has expanded my network of people across the world and developed strong connections with those in my class. It’s also a unique experience to add to a resume and talk about during an interview.

What Advice Can You Offer to Students Interested in Studying Abroad?

My biggest piece of advice is to take the leap of faith and do it. Life is short, live while you can:)

Do You Have Any Plans or Ideas to Travel Abroad Again?

Absolutely! I would love to go back to Italy and even explore Australia!

You can email Leise at darrohna22@students.ecu.edu to learn more about her experience!