
Hello, my name is Faith Mills. This year I am a senior at ECU planning to graduate with a degree in international business and Hispanic studies. I am from Asheville, North Carolina.

Where did you study abroad?

Murcia, Spain

What is Your Favorite Memory from Your Time Abroad?

My favorite memory from study abroad was the first encounter I had with the other ISEP students. We all met up at a local bar and had drinks and tapas. Being together with so many people who are so similar yet different in many ways was amazing. It made me excited for the upcoming year and the adventures that awaited us.

How Has Studying Abroad Helped Your Personal and Professional Life?

Studying abroad has given me a new perspective on the world. Showing me that although America is a great country there are so many other great countries in the world to explore as well. While on the professional side studying abroad allowed me to immerse myself in the Spanish culture and become more proficient in the language.

What Advice Can You Offer to Students Interested in Studying Abroad?

My advice for students who are interested in studying abroad is don’t fear be a determining factor. Whether is the fear of being away from home or financial fear all of those things have solutions so if you really want to study abroad let go of the buts.

Do You Have Any Plans or Ideas to Travel Abroad Again?

Yes, I do have plans to study abroad again I hope that when I become an international student business lawyer, I am able to travel to numerous countries for business deals.

You can email Faith at to learn more about her experience!