
My name is Tucker Ramsey. I am currently a sophomore, majoring in psychology with an English minor. I am from Richlands, NC which is only about an hour from campus.

Where Did You Study Abroad?
I studied abroad last spring in Italy with the Italy Intensives Tuscany program.

What Is Your Favorite Memory From Your Time Abroad?
My favorite part of going abroad was meeting all the new people on my trip and the people I met in Italy.

How Has Study Abroad Helped Your Personal and Professional Life?
Studying abroad has given me the ability to not be afraid to go out and meet new people. It helped me understand that there is a whole world out there ready to explore and all I have to do is go exploring. Professionally, I believe studying abroad will be a good asset on my resume when I apply for the Peace Corps after my undergraduate studies.

What Advice Can You Offer to Students Interested in Studying Abroad?
If I could give one piece of advice to someone thinking about going abroad it would be this: It is stressful at first and you are going to have some worries going in, but still, it is important that you do it. Going abroad may be a once in a lifetime experience for you and why not take full advantage of this opportunity? Going abroad myself, I was super nervous at first but once I got there it all fell into place.

Do You Have Any Plans or Ideas to Travel Abroad Again?
My trip in particular was cut short because of Covid, but we are planning a return trip next May. After that I am not sure if I will go abroad again but there have been some programs that have caught my eye so we will see!

Email Tucker at ramseyt19@students.ecu.edufor more information about his experience!