
Hi! My name is Morgan Carter and I’m a current senior here at ECU majoring in Communication and African and African American Studies. 

Where Did You Study Abroad?
I studied abroad in Shanghai, China in the Summer of 2019 for about a month! 

What Is Your Favorite Memory From Your Time Abroad?
Studying abroad in China was a life changing experience for me, opening my eyes to the various cultures and perspectives of people around us. I never knew what it meant to truly try to adapt until I was among different identities other than my own. My favorite experience aside from the food of course would be spending the day at Disneyland Shanghai. 

How Has Study Abroad Helped Your Personal and Professional Life?
Studying abroad has helped my ability to work under pressure and adapt to the circumstances around me, both crucial in my professional and collegiate life. 

What Advice Can You Offer to Students Interested in Studying Abroad?
When willing, I’d love to travel to more places including Africa and Costa Rica but until then, my advice for any students interested in studying abroad is simply this: When in doubt, do. Don’t be afraid to take risks, even if you’re the only one doing it. Step out of your comfort zone and it will take you far! 

Email Morgan at for more information about her experience!