
Hi! My name is Mallary Scott and I am from Raleigh, NC. I am a senior at East Carolina University, majoring in Public Health with a concentration in Pre-Health Professions. I plan to attend medical school to become an Obgyn in the future. In addition to traveling, I love to read, hike and hang out with friends.

Where Did You Study Abroad?
I studied abroad in Rome, Italy. 

What Is Your Favorite Memory From Your Time Abroad?
I have so many great memories from my time abroad, but if I had to choose my favorite it would be the boat tour I took in Capri with two friends from my program. This experience was awesome because we were able to learn about Capri history from a local, swim in the Mediterranean sea, get to know each other better and get an amazing view of the island!

How Has Study Abroad Helped Your Personal and Professional Life?
Traveling alone to a foreign country, while not speaking the language, put me in a many positions to grow. Personally, I am much more confident, financially responsible, independent and better at decision making. I now feel confident in starting a conversion with a stranger, exploring a city by myself and sticking to a budget. I have transferred these skills to professional setting as well, to make me a decisive leader and a confident problem solver. Learning about the health care system while abroad, deepened my passion for pursing a career in this field.

What Advice Can You Offer to Students Interested in Studying Abroad?
If you are thinking about studying aboard, do it!!! This is one of the best times to go abroad because you will earn credits that counts towards your degree and have an amazing experience. If you are worried that studying abroad won’t fit into your degree plan please reach out to the study abroad office. There is a program for you! 

Do You Have Any Plans or Ideas to Travel Abroad Again?
Yes! I am hoping to go abroad after graduation. I would also love to volunteer with Doctors Without Borders in the future.

Email Mallary at for more information about her experience!