
Hello everyone, my name is Ella Dogbe-Tsogbe and I am a senior studying Cell & Molecular Biology and Hispanic Studies. My dream career is to work as a Physician with Doctors Without borders. I was born in Togo, West Africa but I now live in Charlotte, NC. In my free time, I enjoy traveling, playing tennis, and baking.

Where Did You Study Abroad?
I studied abroad at the University of San Francisco of Quito in Ecuador. My time abroad was both rewarding and enlightening as I immersed myself in the culture of Ecuador and Latin America.

What Is Your Favorite Memory From Your Time Abroad?
My favorite memory was hiking the Quilotoa loop down to the Quilotoa lagoon. This reserve is populated by a community of indigenous people and the lagoon is a water-filled volcanic crater. The entire loop was around 25 miles long and after reaching the bottom, my friends and I went canoeing in the lagoon.

How Has Study Abroad Helped Your Personal and Professional Life?
Now that I’ve been back, my Spanish speaking have improved, and I now have a better understanding of the Ecuadorian culture as well as the family life there. Another bonus was that I have created a sense of independence by being away in a foreign country by myself.

What Advice Can You Offer to Students Interested in Studying Abroad?
Some advice that I can offer to students is that they should make their time abroad worth it by getting to know locals and engaging in the culture.

Do You Have Any Plans or Ideas to Travel Abroad Again?
I do see myself going back to Ecuador in the future to meet my host family and the friends that I made there.

Email Ella at dogbetsogbee17@students.ecu.edu for more information about her experience!