
Fall 2018: ISEP Exchange- University of Central Lancashire

Hi everyone! My name is Rebecca McCusker and I am a senior at East Carolina University, but born and raised in Deptford, NJ. I am studying criminal justice with a minor in psychology. I am interested in international law, which stemmed a lot from my time abroad! I love to cook, workout, listen to music, and of course… Travel!

Where did you study abroad?
I studied abroad at the University of Central Lancashire in the United Kingdom. While I was there I was able to travel to over 5 different countries in my free time.

What is your favorite memory from your time abroad?
Aside from making many lifelong friends (one from Boone NC), there is one specific memory that sticks out most to me. While I was in Scotland, a few friends and I decided to wake up at the crack of dawn and hike up Arthurs Seat to see the sunrise. Receiving close to no sleep (due to sleeping in a 24-bed hostel) we all managed to wake up and climb 250m up through many rock obstacles to see the sunrise over beautiful Edinburgh.

How has studying abroad helped your personal or professional life?
Since traveling abroad I have become a much more social person. I have learned the value of social interaction, especially with those with complete opposite personality traits! Being dropped off essentially in a foreign country, knowing no one or relatively nothing about the culture, I was forced to step out of my comfort zone. I can confidently say it made me into a much more confident version of myself. Professionally, studying abroad opened my eyes to an entirely new world, and showed me just how far I can take my knowledge. It put my entire future into perspective for me.

What advice can you offer to students interested in studying abroad?
As Nike would say, “Just Do It”. Seriously. Leave all your preconceived notions, fears, doubts, whatever it may be behind you. This will be the experience of a lifetime. Feeling uncomfortable or nervous in the beginning of your journey is normal, we’ve all felt that way at one point or another. Studying abroad as cliché as it may sound will change you, and will change the way you look at life. It will literally force you to grow, and will teach you things that you cannot learn in a classroom. There is an entire world waiting to be seen, so what’s stopping you!

Do you have any future plans or ideas to travel abroad again?
Yes! I am currently in the process of saving money so that when I graduate I can go on a mini trip. I would love to visit the friends I made when I studied abroad which are scattered all throughout Europe. I would like to possibly spend time working in another country, expanding my cultural knowledge and specifically learning a new and second language.

E-mail Rebecca at to learn more about her experience!