
ECU in La Rochelle with Dr. Murphy, Summer 2017

Tell us about yourself.

My name is Amanda, I’m from Raleigh, NC, and I’m currently in my third year at ECU. I’m a double Political Science and Communications major with a minor in French. I’ve always been intrigued by other cultures and the idea of traveling since I was young and I couldn’t be happier that I’ve had the opportunity to experience those things here.

Where did you study abroad?

I studied abroad in La Rochelle, France for a language intensive program to earn credit for FREN 2003 and FREN 2004. Since it was a language intensive program, I did live with a host family. Although it really intimidated me in the beginning, I don’t think I would have improved my French as much if I didn’t have the opportunity to live in that setting.

What is your favorite memory from your time abroad?

The best memories of my study abroad trip were definitely the excursions we took. In addition to living in La Rochelle, we also got to see Paris, Bordeaux, Normandy, Cognac. and Île-d’Aix. It really is one thing to see the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, and other major monuments in photographs, but it’s nothing in comparison to seeing them right in front of you.

How has studying abroad helped your personal or professional life?

Studying abroad has helped me in my personal and professional life because it taught me how to adapt and be accepting of new and different situations. Also, I had originally participated in this program to fulfill a language requirement, but this trip inspired me to add French as a minor so I could continue studying it.

What advice can you offer to students interested in studying abroad?

Seize every opportunity you have while you are there! Studying abroad is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you don’t want to miss out on any potential experiences. Also if studying abroad is something that you’re really on the fence about, definitely just go for it! It’s perfectly normal to be nervous about going to a different place at first and you don’t want to let that get in the way of such an amazing opportunity!

Do you have any future plans or ideas to travel abroad again?

I’m thinking about going on the summer 2018 School of Communications trip to Switzerland and Italy!

You can email Amanda at with questions.